Fourteenth Avenue Press welcomes "Reviews by Shannon." Shannon is a busy grandmother with two elementary school grandchildren and a wonderful partner in life---James. Shannon and I worked together twenty years ago and recently connected on FB! Shannon loves to read and also contribute her opinions in fabulous reviews.
Hello, meet Lauren and sweet bully, Daisy.

All we have to say is, "Golf cart?" and Daisy scurries over to the cart and waits to be hoisted onto the deck. We ride all over. Sometimes, we'll stop and walk a trail; other times, we'll go to the river. I believe the river is the culprit behind her current state. Daisy is not well at the moment, and I think it's because she drank river water.
Daisy's vet did a fecal test and sent us home with pre, and pro-biotics and some foul stuff we had to inject down the back of her throat. It's been ten days, and her poop still resembles pudding. Daisy is the loveliest character, and even in her current state, she is playful. We now have her on a new antibiotic that targets a specific intestinal bacterium. That's just part of Daisy's story. Click here for more about Daisy.
What I learned.
Everyone has a story to tell, and I find them all fascinating. What a writer chooses to write about amazes me because it all comes from within, and there is a reason it must come out. I began writing in a journal in 2012 when walking became so incredibly painful that it required a hip replacement and beautiful titanium to get me back on track. Fast forward to 2016, when, again, walking was unbearable. The other hip was screaming to be replaced with more lovely titanium. However, this had to take a back seat to the cancer found in a routine mammogram. So, the tumor was cut out first, and then the hip was replaced.
After these two surgeries, my attitude about life changed for the better. My relationship with the Lord has become paramount. He is with me, and He is for me, and I know it. I cannot imagine how I would have coped with the news had it not been for Christ. In 2023, the cancer was back. This time with more zest, as it was a level 1. My focus now is on lifestyle changes, particularly meals. I am feeling better all the time. Helping others with their book-writing projects thrills me, and, truth be known, it keeps my mind off of the negative that so easily can creep in and ruin the day.
What inspired Fourteenth Avenue Press?
As I mentioned, I began keeping a journal. I wrote about everything involving everyone in my circle. It was a great escape and critical to staying mentally healthy. I fell asleep one night after reviewing everything I had written and awoke with a passion to complete a story the next day. I sat in that chair with my laptop for so long that my rear lost all feeling. By the next day, I had completed my first book. Wow was I ever proud! The next step was to test the waters. Keep in mind that this was 2012. I published it and held my breath. One week later, I removed the book from the internet; the response to it was overwhelmingly negative, and rightly so! It takes a second set of eyes on a written product to polish it and make it ready for publication.
Finding someone to help with the proofreading and editing was daunting because of the price. "It shouldn't be this way," I lamented to my husband. "We can do better." Helping others avoid the pitfalls I encountered by publishing a book unprepared for prime time is our mission's core.
An avid more-watcher, I decided to start posting my reviews, here on FAP, of movies I'm crazy about. Seriously, some of these movies I have watched upwards of fifteen times! But I digress. Back to the mission...
The good we do.
Hence, Fourteenth Avenue Press. We offer proofreading and editing services at 50 cents per page. This was arrived at by determining the bare minimum cost to the writer that allows us to focus only on these projects. There are tons of editors out there, and the prices are literally otherworldly. Not here. Not us. We'll help and guide you, not change your story. It's yours, and we respect that. Check out our prices and process.